Wahgunyah Multipurpose Hardcourts (completed 2023)

  • Project typeUpgrade
  • Project value$1.2M ($1.09M grant funded - see below)
  • Project scheduleComplete
  • Completion Date31 January 2023
Wahgunyah Tennis Court 1.png

About this project

This project strengthened community participation in sporting events and continued encouraging healthy lifestyles through sport. The site is now  a key regional sports destination for the region, providing significant participation and programming benefits for netball and tennis through provision of competition and professional grade courts and lighting, and increase in programmable hours.

The project was funded by a grant of $1.091M from the Victorian Government's Community Sports Infrastructure Program and a $121,318 contribution from Indigo Shire Council.

Why was this project being undertaken and how was it funded?

Funding contributor Amount
Grant funding (State) $1.09M
Council $121K
Total project budget $1.2M

The Wahgunyah Recreation Reserve Master Plan identified the courts to be in poor condition and in need of replacement. The re-development of the courts and lighting at the Wahgunyah Recreation Reserve was identified as the Wahgunyah communities highest recreational priority and aligned with Indigo Shire's Active Indigo sport and recreation strategy.


What happened and when?

The construction tender was awarded for the project and construction commenced Monday 22 March 2021.  

April 2021 Update

Works commenced on Monday 22 March, with site fencing and the access road now installed and the demolition of the existing tennis courts is underway. 

The courts area has been cut back to sub-grade and the proof roll was completed on 27 April. The crushed rock sub-base is to be installed on site over the first week in May. 

Wahgunyah Tennis Court - April Update.png

May 2021 Update

Works are progressing well at the site with the sub-base layer being installed and the drainage works underway.

Wahgunyah Tennis Courts May Update.png

June 2021 Update

This month we have seen the pouring of concrete and the installation of the poles for the surrounding fence. These are significant advances in the development and it is fantastic to see this important project progressing on schedule.


July 2021 Update

As these pictures show, the courts are looking spectacular. Four shelters are being constructed and should be finished by the last week of July.

Aerial Wahgunyah hardcourts.JPG Aerial 2 Wahgunyah hardcourts.JPG

                                                                                          Aerial 3 Wahgunyah hardcourts.JPG

November 2021 Update

This exciting project has almost reached completion, with the acrylic surface and synthetic sand filled grass just installed. The courts are now ready for use.

The next stage for this development is the construction of a new pavilion/shelter for the courts and we will be installing a fence between the playground and carpark to add safety for the public when enjoying the facilities. 

Aerial - Wahgunyah Hard Courts 2 (1).JPG

Wahgunyah Hard Courts.png



July 2022 Update

Construction of the long awaited shelter progressed this week with the concrete boxing installed in anticipation for the concrete slab to be poured in the coming days.

Weather permitting, once the concrete has cured, steel work fabrication will begin in the next fortnight.


August 2022 Update

Construction of the shelter took another step forward this week with the concrete slab and steel work installed the week beginning 15 August.

Pavilion construction August.png


September 2022 Update

The long awaited new shelter at the Wahgunyah Multipurpose Hardcourts is now almost complete, with the electricity now connected and just a few finishing touches remaining.

There will be an official opening of this facility held over the coming months, we'll keep you updated.



Wahgunyah 1.png
Wahgunyah 2.png





Grimmond Lane,  3687  View Map

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