Japanese encephalitis (JE) has been detected in Northern Victoria. JE virus can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain and is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes. Find further information and how you can take precautions by clicking the link below.
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As part of Councils 2019/20 capital works program, a 1.3km recreational trail has been constructed along the Yackandandah Creek from the Yackandandah Creek Gorge to the Kirby Flat bend adjacent to Bells Flat Road.
The project scope includes creation of a multi-use trail linking the existing Gorge Scenic Trail and the Yack Tracks mountain bike home trail.
The trail is a 1.2m wide compacted gravel trail, generally following the Yackandandah Creek river course and providing a shaded, scenic trail through an area of high heritage value. This project was initiated by the community as part of the Pick My Project program.
The trail will provide additional safe access for users away from Bells Flat Road and will be linked to the Yack Tracks trail via construction of a new pedestrian/cycle bridge at the Kirby Flat bend in the creek.
This project is part of the broader Council program of investment in recreational trail infrastructure, in this case driven by the Yackandandah community. The trail also provides a critical link into the Indigo Epic Mountain Bike Trail by connecting existing trail infrastructure with the town.
Construction works started in March 2021, and were completed in July 2021.
The trail alignment will remain within the water frontage zone for Yackandandah Creek and is not planned to enter private property areas.
There will be no impact to property or road access in the area created by these project works and only minor impacts to the existing Yackandandah Gorge Scenic Trail.
Funding Partner
Visit the Pick my Project website