Projects in the pipeline

We’re currently planning a variety of projects across the Shire.

In some cases, these projects have been identified in our budget and work is underway to prepare for construction, in others, the projects have been identified as a priority but require grant funding to be delivered. 

Project Budget Funding status  Overall status

Barkly Park, Rutherglen
Football Club
Changeroom Upgrade

Total: $1.4M
Grant funding: $1M
Council funding: $400,000

Funding secured  Concept design
Barnawartha Recreation Reserve
Installation of a new playground

Total: $100,00
Grant funding: $99,050
Council funding: $950

Funding secured

Final scoping.

Works to be completed by 30 June 2026

Barnawartha Recreation Reserve
Flood Lights
Total: $349,474

Grant funding: $250,000
Council funding: $74,474
Committee funding: $25,000

Funding dependent Grant applications have now closed and we are awaiting the outcome.
Barnawartha Streetscape Improvements

Total: Applying for $60,000
Grant funding: $50,000
Council funding: $10,000

Funding dependent We will apply to the next Tiny Towns funding round. Currently in scoping phase.
Beechworth Historic Precinct Updated Signage Total: $38,000

Grant funding: $0
Council funding: $38,000

Funding secured Currently awaiting design approvals from Heritage Victoria and Planning.

Chiltern Football Netball Club
Changeroom upgrade

 TBC Funding dependent Currently in feasibility and concept design stages
Rutherglen Maternal Child Health Clinic Improvements

Total: Applying for $60,000
Grant funding: $50,000
Council funding: $10,000

Funding dependent We are applying to the next Tiny Towns funding round. Currently in scoping phase.
Butson Park, Yackandandah
Football and netball changeroom upgrade
Stage 1 - New netball changerooms

Budget: $1.25M
Grant funding: $1M
Council funding: $225,000
Committee funding: $25,000

Funding dependent Unsuccessful in securing funding through the Regional Sports Infrastructure - Women and Girls Facilities Stream in 2024, however we are confident that we’re well-placed to apply for funding again at the appropriate time. Due to likely funding opportunities the project will be delivered in two stages, Netball Facilities and Football Facilities.